Chef Stuart Lewis – 2019
I am now Head Chef on board the prestigious motor yacht “Mia Elise”. We charter for $500,000 a week. I cook for the world’s richest at 25 years old. It’s unheard of but I am smashing it. I earn around $17,000 a month depending on gratuity & now own my own Property Management Company in the UK. All of this was made possible because you took a chance on me! I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been able to achieve all of this because of you & Frank, who helped me start my international career and for that I am so grateful – thank you so much. I’m also pushing for the first ever Super Yacht to hold Michelin Star.
David Mazzucchi 2013
BSG has given me what I can safely say was the best year of my life. I absolutely loved every minute of my time in the US and I couldn’t have imagined a better experience if I tried. What I don’t know is how I was meant to go back to living in the UK after such an amazing year!
Rasheeda, when I was first in touch with you about going over to the US, I remember you forwarded us a few emails from students who had
done the trip and were thanking you for an amazing year. At the time I thought “ahh how soppy! I’ll not be like that!” Well, to be honest, I have never been more devastated to leave somewhere in my life.
I built a nice life in the US over the past year. I have a great group of friends in both New York and Florida, who I would consider as some of the best people I have ever met, so I know I’ll always have an excuse to go back whenever possible. I got to travel and see so much of the country. (You should advise all of your interns to work hard, just for the time off work to go and travel.)
I have learned so much over these 12 months, from simple things like the value of hard work to other things such as where I want my life to head. I couldn’t recommend this experience more to anyone if I tried.
Carys Browning – Sheffield Hallam University – 2019
Professional Experience
Before moving to America I already had a wealth of F&B experience as I had worked in Pubs, restaurants and cafes. However, nothing I had done before in the UK, came close to what I was to experience in the US. At first it was very daunting, things got stripped back to basics, which at the time I can remember thinking, why am I sitting in a classroom, being taught how to take orders and learning the menu off by heart (Yes menu tests were a thing in our club before you could even start on the floor.) But honestly, without that ‘classroom’ time, I definitely would have struggled. It helped me work in a way which was efficient so that I had more time to interact with the members and also more effectively. It also made me realise the importance of understanding the food menus and the dishes fully, we done a lot of food tastings so that whenever we got questions about the dish you could give them a genuine response as you had tasted it. Short-hand, if you don’t know it, learn it, and if you do, make sure it’s simple! This is a life saver, forever having to write down ‘NO TOMATO, LETTUCE, ONION’ will not only take forever, but the chef will not be your friend!
The high standards that are instilled in you from the beginning, will never leave! Not only do you do you bring these into your work life, they are also in your personal life. You become more aware when eating out as to how the operation is run, how well the person is serving you, the way the food is served! It engulfs your life, but in the most amazing way possible.
Although I have taken a different direction in my career and have moved out of the hospitality business and into Marketing (Although I do F&B marketing), America helped me get there. I am currently been living in Dubai and have been for the past 2 years, but it was my experience in America that got me here! Without it, I definitely don’t think I’d be in a job that I love doing in a city like Dubai!
Michael Muthoni 2023
As the year 2023 comes to a close and a new year 2024 starts, I have been reflecting on the year that was. I write this email to convey the depth of my gratitude for your support in my journey from Kenya to America.
You played a major role in impacting my life positively. May God truly Bless you and your whole team.
You and your team are a beacon of hope and possibility. The challenges of traveling to a new country were daunting on me but your support provided a sturdy foundation that allowed me to navigate this transition with confidence and resilience. I have since settled and I truly like it here at the Tuxedo Club.
The significance of your contribution into my life goes beyond the physical act of assistance; it symbolizes the belief you have in my potential and aspirations to which I stay Thank you.
As I continue on this chapter of my life in America, I carry with me not only the tangible support you provided but also the inspiration to pay it forward. Your great example has ignited a desire within me to make a positive impact on others, just as you have done for me.
On a different note, I would like to wish you a Happy and very Blessed New Year 2024.
Thank you for making a difference in my journey. May your kindness and understanding be repaid in abundance.