European Hospitality Interns for US Clubs and Hotels
Headquartered in Florida’s Palm Beach County, BSG specializes in placing European Hospitality Management student interns at prestigious private clubs, plus fine hotels and resorts along the east coast of the US. By means of a J-1 cultural exchange program visa, students spend up to a year availing themselves of what is an exceptionally formative personal and professional opportunity.
Founded by Rasheeda Butler in 2008, BSG has placed interns from universities throughout Ireland and Great Britain, plus leading hotel management schools across continental Europe.
The European background of BSG’s principals, blended with their extensive hospitality experience in the US, positions them as the quintessential conduit for students looking to maximize the success of their internships.
For clubs and hotels, having career-oriented students enhances the quality of their service teams. Significantly, they also add a distinctive flair that is warmly appreciated by the more affluent members and guests to whom such entities cater.
The simpler and more economical process offered by the J-1 program makes it much easier for host properties to embrace not just the student component, but the overall cultural nature of the program.
For the students, the opportunity to intern at a private club in the US offers a breadth and quality of experience that is just not available in Europe. The resume (cv) value is meaningful but, as testified by previous interns, the opportunity has a long-term impact on their perspectives of operations, management and service.
BSG’s services and expertise stem from the experience of its President Rasheeda Butler and the extensive web of relationships they have established with vast numbers of club managers on a local, state and national basis. Amassing considerable management experience at demographically diverse clubs in Florida, New York and Connecticut, Rasheeda identified a need within the industry.
After visiting many clubs, they found significant service and quality flaws in operations that were hailed as pillars of the club business. Believing that confident General Managers would want to know the true picture, the “Mystery Member” program was offered by The Butler’s Eye. Applying carefully chosen benchmarks, it helped raise standards in many upscale private clubs.
A hallmark of The Butler’s Eye was its support of various initiatives aimed at developing hospitality students. Now, through BSG, she places European students in exceptional internship opportunities. With hands-on background, she is adept at understanding the culture of clubs, and identifying which students would be the “right fit” for each property.
Rasheeda is recognized and appreciated for “the package” she offers:
15 years operational experience in club management
The knowledge of and ability to connect with professionals at all levels
A background that encompasses a diverse range of clubs
Being forthright and direct, with uncompromising ethics
A talent for identifying the “right fit” that the standard review may overlook
A commitment to exceptional quality, achieved by going ‘above and beyond’ on each assignment